v10.10.2024.0701 使用IJsonHost改进Json序列化
大石头 编写于 2024-07-01 08:36:34 大石头 提交于 2024-07-01 08:48:33
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace System.Collections;

public class SortedList : IDictionary, ICollection, IEnumerable
	internal struct Slot
		internal object key;

		internal object value;

	private enum EnumeratorMode

	private sealed class Enumerator : IDictionaryEnumerator, IEnumerator
		private SortedList host;

		private object currentKey;

		private object currentValue;

		private int stamp;

		private int pos;

		private int size;

		private EnumeratorMode mode;

		private bool invalid;

		private static readonly string xstr = "SortedList.Enumerator: snapshot out of sync.";

		public DictionaryEntry Entry
				if (invalid || pos >= size || pos == -1)
					throw new InvalidOperationException(xstr);
				return new DictionaryEntry(currentKey, currentValue);

		public object Key
				if (invalid || pos >= size || pos == -1)
					throw new InvalidOperationException(xstr);
				return currentKey;

		public object Value
				if (invalid || pos >= size || pos == -1)
					throw new InvalidOperationException(xstr);
				return currentValue;

		public object Current
				if (invalid || pos >= size || pos == -1)
					throw new InvalidOperationException(xstr);
				return mode switch
					EnumeratorMode.KEY_MODE => currentKey, 
					EnumeratorMode.VALUE_MODE => currentValue, 
					EnumeratorMode.ENTRY_MODE => Entry, 
					_ => throw new NotSupportedException(string.Concat(mode, " is not a supported mode.")), 

		public Enumerator(SortedList host, EnumeratorMode mode)
			this.host = host;
			stamp = host.modificationCount;
			size = host.Count;
			this.mode = mode;

		public Enumerator(SortedList host)
			: this(host, EnumeratorMode.ENTRY_MODE)

		public void Reset()
			if (host.modificationCount != stamp || invalid)
				throw new InvalidOperationException(xstr);
			pos = -1;
			currentKey = null;
			currentValue = null;

		public bool MoveNext()
			if (host.modificationCount != stamp || invalid)
				throw new InvalidOperationException(xstr);
			Slot[] table = host.table;
			if (++pos < size)
				Slot slot = table[pos];
				currentKey = slot.key;
				currentValue = slot.value;
				return true;
			currentKey = null;
			currentValue = null;
			return false;

		public object Clone()
			Enumerator enumerator = new Enumerator(host, mode);
			enumerator.stamp = stamp;
			enumerator.pos = pos;
			enumerator.size = size;
			enumerator.currentKey = currentKey;
			enumerator.currentValue = currentValue;
			enumerator.invalid = invalid;
			return enumerator;

	private class ListKeys : IList, ICollection, IEnumerable
		private SortedList host;

		public virtual int Count => host.Count;

		public virtual bool IsSynchronized => host.IsSynchronized;

		public virtual object SyncRoot => host.SyncRoot;

		public virtual bool IsFixedSize => true;

		public virtual bool IsReadOnly => true;

		public virtual object this[int index]
				return host.GetKey(index);
				throw new NotSupportedException("attempt to modify a key");

		public ListKeys(SortedList host)
			if (host == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException();
			this.host = host;

		public virtual void CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex)
			host.CopyToArray(array, arrayIndex, EnumeratorMode.KEY_MODE);

		public virtual int Add(object value)
			throw new NotSupportedException("IList::Add not supported");

		public virtual void Clear()
			throw new NotSupportedException("IList::Clear not supported");

		public virtual bool Contains(object key)
			return host.Contains(key);

		public virtual int IndexOf(object key)
			return host.IndexOfKey(key);

		public virtual void Insert(int index, object value)
			throw new NotSupportedException("IList::Insert not supported");

		public virtual void Remove(object value)
			throw new NotSupportedException("IList::Remove not supported");

		public virtual void RemoveAt(int index)
			throw new NotSupportedException("IList::RemoveAt not supported");

		public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
			return new Enumerator(host, EnumeratorMode.KEY_MODE);

	private class ListValues : IList, ICollection, IEnumerable
		private SortedList host;

		public virtual int Count => host.Count;

		public virtual bool IsSynchronized => host.IsSynchronized;

		public virtual object SyncRoot => host.SyncRoot;

		public virtual bool IsFixedSize => true;

		public virtual bool IsReadOnly => true;

		public virtual object this[int index]
				return host.GetByIndex(index);
				throw new NotSupportedException("This operation is not supported on GetValueList return");

		public ListValues(SortedList host)
			if (host == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException();
			this.host = host;

		public virtual void CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex)
			host.CopyToArray(array, arrayIndex, EnumeratorMode.VALUE_MODE);

		public virtual int Add(object value)
			throw new NotSupportedException("IList::Add not supported");

		public virtual void Clear()
			throw new NotSupportedException("IList::Clear not supported");

		public virtual bool Contains(object value)
			return host.ContainsValue(value);

		public virtual int IndexOf(object value)
			return host.IndexOfValue(value);

		public virtual void Insert(int index, object value)
			throw new NotSupportedException("IList::Insert not supported");

		public virtual void Remove(object value)
			throw new NotSupportedException("IList::Remove not supported");

		public virtual void RemoveAt(int index)
			throw new NotSupportedException("IList::RemoveAt not supported");

		public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
			return new Enumerator(host, EnumeratorMode.VALUE_MODE);

	private class SynchedSortedList : SortedList
		private SortedList host;

		public override int Capacity
				lock (host.SyncRoot)
					return host.Capacity;
				lock (host.SyncRoot)
					host.Capacity = value;

		public override int Count => host.Count;

		public override bool IsSynchronized => true;

		public override object SyncRoot => host.SyncRoot;

		public override bool IsFixedSize => host.IsFixedSize;

		public override bool IsReadOnly => host.IsReadOnly;

		public override ICollection Keys
				ICollection collection = null;
				lock (host.SyncRoot)
					return host.Keys;

		public override ICollection Values
				ICollection collection = null;
				lock (host.SyncRoot)
					return host.Values;

		public override object this[object key]
				lock (host.SyncRoot)
					return host.GetImpl(key);
				lock (host.SyncRoot)
					host.PutImpl(key, value, overwrite: true);

		public SynchedSortedList(SortedList host)
			if (host == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException();
			this.host = host;

		public override void CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex)
			lock (host.SyncRoot)
				host.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);

		public override void Add(object key, object value)
			lock (host.SyncRoot)
				host.PutImpl(key, value, overwrite: false);

		public override void Clear()
			lock (host.SyncRoot)

		public override bool Contains(object key)
			lock (host.SyncRoot)
				return host.Find(key) >= 0;

		public override IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator()
			lock (host.SyncRoot)
				return host.GetEnumerator();

		public override void Remove(object key)
			lock (host.SyncRoot)

		public override bool ContainsKey(object key)
			lock (host.SyncRoot)
				return host.Contains(key);

		public override bool ContainsValue(object value)
			lock (host.SyncRoot)
				return host.ContainsValue(value);

		public override object Clone()
			lock (host.SyncRoot)
				return host.Clone() as SortedList;

		public override object GetByIndex(int index)
			lock (host.SyncRoot)
				return host.GetByIndex(index);

		public override object GetKey(int index)
			lock (host.SyncRoot)
				return host.GetKey(index);

		public override IList GetKeyList()
			lock (host.SyncRoot)
				return new ListKeys(host);

		public override IList GetValueList()
			lock (host.SyncRoot)
				return new ListValues(host);

		public override void RemoveAt(int index)
			lock (host.SyncRoot)

		public override int IndexOfKey(object key)
			lock (host.SyncRoot)
				return host.IndexOfKey(key);

		public override int IndexOfValue(object val)
			lock (host.SyncRoot)
				return host.IndexOfValue(val);

		public override void SetByIndex(int index, object value)
			lock (host.SyncRoot)
				host.SetByIndex(index, value);

		public override void TrimToSize()
			lock (host.SyncRoot)

	private const int INITIAL_SIZE = 16;

	private Slot[] table;

	private IComparer comparer;

	private int inUse;

	private int modificationCount;

	private int defaultCapacity;

	public virtual int Count => inUse;

	public virtual bool IsSynchronized => false;

	public virtual object SyncRoot => this;

	public virtual bool IsFixedSize => false;

	public virtual bool IsReadOnly => false;

	public virtual ICollection Keys => new ListKeys(this);

	public virtual ICollection Values => new ListValues(this);

	public virtual object this[object key]
			if (key == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException();
			return GetImpl(key);
			if (key == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException();
			if (IsReadOnly)
				throw new NotSupportedException("SortedList is Read Only.");
			if (Find(key) < 0 && IsFixedSize)
				throw new NotSupportedException("Key not found and SortedList is fixed size.");
			PutImpl(key, value, overwrite: true);

	public virtual int Capacity
			return table.Length;
			int num = table.Length;
			if (inUse > value)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("capacity too small");
			if (value == 0)
				Slot[] destinationArray = new Slot[defaultCapacity];
				Array.Copy(table, destinationArray, inUse);
				table = destinationArray;
			else if (value > inUse)
				Slot[] destinationArray2 = new Slot[value];
				Array.Copy(table, destinationArray2, inUse);
				table = destinationArray2;
			else if (value > num)
				Slot[] destinationArray3 = new Slot[value];
				Array.Copy(table, destinationArray3, num);
				table = destinationArray3;

	public SortedList()
		: this(null, 16)

	public SortedList(int initialCapacity)
		: this(null, initialCapacity)

	public SortedList(IComparer comparer, int capacity)
		if (capacity < 0)
			throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("capacity");
		if (capacity == 0)
			defaultCapacity = 0;
			defaultCapacity = 16;
		this.comparer = comparer;
		InitTable(capacity, forceSize: true);

	public SortedList(IComparer comparer)
		this.comparer = comparer;
		InitTable(16, forceSize: true);

	public SortedList(IDictionary d)
		: this(d, null)

	public SortedList(IDictionary d, IComparer comparer)
		if (d == null)
			throw new ArgumentNullException("dictionary");
		InitTable(d.Count, forceSize: true);
		this.comparer = comparer;
		IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = d.GetEnumerator();
		while (enumerator.MoveNext())
			Add(enumerator.Key, enumerator.Value);

	IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
		return new Enumerator(this, EnumeratorMode.ENTRY_MODE);

	public virtual void Add(object key, object value)
		PutImpl(key, value, overwrite: false);

	public virtual void Clear()
		defaultCapacity = 16;
		table = new Slot[defaultCapacity];
		inUse = 0;

	public virtual bool Contains(object key)
		if (key == null)
			throw new ArgumentNullException();
			return Find(key) >= 0;
		catch (Exception)
			throw new InvalidOperationException();

	public virtual IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator()
		return new Enumerator(this, EnumeratorMode.ENTRY_MODE);

	public virtual void Remove(object key)
		int num = IndexOfKey(key);
		if (num >= 0)

	public virtual void CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex)
		if (array == null)
			throw new ArgumentNullException();
		if (arrayIndex < 0)
			throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
		if (array.Rank > 1)
			throw new ArgumentException("array is multi-dimensional");
		if (arrayIndex >= array.Length)
			throw new ArgumentNullException("arrayIndex is greater than or equal to array.Length");
		if (Count > array.Length - arrayIndex)
			throw new ArgumentNullException("Not enough space in array from arrayIndex to end of array");
		IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = GetEnumerator();
		int num = arrayIndex;
		while (enumerator.MoveNext())
			array.SetValue(enumerator.Entry, num++);

	public virtual object Clone()
		SortedList sortedList = new SortedList(this, comparer);
		sortedList.modificationCount = modificationCount;
		return sortedList;

	public virtual IList GetKeyList()
		return new ListKeys(this);

	public virtual IList GetValueList()
		return new ListValues(this);

	public virtual void RemoveAt(int index)
		Slot[] array = table;
		int count = Count;
		if (index >= 0 && index < count)
			if (index != count - 1)
				Array.Copy(array, index + 1, array, index, count - 1 - index);
				array[index].key = null;
				array[index].value = null;
		throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index out of range");

	public virtual int IndexOfKey(object key)
		if (key == null)
			throw new ArgumentNullException();
		int num = 0;
			num = Find(key);
		catch (Exception)
			throw new InvalidOperationException();
		return num | (num >> 31);

	public virtual int IndexOfValue(object value)
		if (inUse == 0)
			return -1;
		for (int i = 0; i < inUse; i++)
			Slot slot = table[i];
			if (object.Equals(value, slot.value))
				return i;
		return -1;

	public virtual bool ContainsKey(object key)
		if (key == null)
			throw new ArgumentNullException();
			return Contains(key);
		catch (Exception)
			throw new InvalidOperationException();

	public virtual bool ContainsValue(object value)
		return IndexOfValue(value) >= 0;

	public virtual object GetByIndex(int index)
		if (index >= 0 && index < Count)
			return table[index].value;
		throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index out of range");

	public virtual void SetByIndex(int index, object value)
		if (index >= 0 && index < Count)
			table[index].value = value;
		throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index out of range");

	public virtual object GetKey(int index)
		if (index >= 0 && index < Count)
			return table[index].key;
		throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index out of range");

	public static SortedList Synchronized(SortedList list)
		if (list == null)
			throw new ArgumentNullException("Base list is null.");
		return new SynchedSortedList(list);

	public virtual void TrimToSize()
		if (Count == 0)
			Resize(defaultCapacity, copy: false);
			Resize(Count, copy: true);

	private void Resize(int n, bool copy)
		Slot[] sourceArray = table;
		Slot[] destinationArray = new Slot[n];
		if (copy)
			Array.Copy(sourceArray, 0, destinationArray, 0, n);
		table = destinationArray;

	private void EnsureCapacity(int n, int free)
		Slot[] array = table;
		Slot[] array2 = null;
		int capacity = Capacity;
		bool flag = free >= 0 && free < Count;
		if (n > capacity)
			array2 = new Slot[n << 1];
		if (array2 != null)
			if (flag)
				int num = free;
				if (num > 0)
					Array.Copy(array, 0, array2, 0, num);
				num = Count - free;
				if (num > 0)
					Array.Copy(array, free, array2, free + 1, num);
				Array.Copy(array, array2, Count);
			table = array2;
		else if (flag)
			Array.Copy(array, free, array, free + 1, Count - free);

	private void PutImpl(object key, object value, bool overwrite)
		if (key == null)
			throw new ArgumentNullException("null key");
		Slot[] array = table;
		int num = -1;
			num = Find(key);
		catch (Exception)
			throw new InvalidOperationException();
		if (num >= 0)
			if (!overwrite)
				string message = $"Key '{key}' already exists in list.";
				throw new ArgumentException(message);
			array[num].value = value;
		num = ~num;
		if (num > Capacity + 1)
			throw new Exception(string.Concat("SortedList::internal error (", key, ", ", value, ") at [", num, "]"));
		EnsureCapacity(Count + 1, num);
		array = table;
		array[num].key = key;
		array[num].value = value;

	private object GetImpl(object key)
		int num = Find(key);
		if (num >= 0)
			return table[num].value;
		return null;

	private void InitTable(int capacity, bool forceSize)
		if (!forceSize && capacity < defaultCapacity)
			capacity = defaultCapacity;
		table = new Slot[capacity];
		inUse = 0;
		modificationCount = 0;

	private void CopyToArray(Array arr, int i, EnumeratorMode mode)
		if (arr == null)
			throw new ArgumentNullException("arr");
		if (i < 0 || i + Count > arr.Length)
			throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("i");
		IEnumerator enumerator = new Enumerator(this, mode);
		while (enumerator.MoveNext())
			arr.SetValue(enumerator.Current, i++);

	private int Find(object key)
		Slot[] array = table;
		int count = Count;
		if (count == 0)
			return -1;
		IComparer comparer = ((this.comparer == null) ? Comparer.Default : this.comparer);
		int num = 0;
		int num2 = count - 1;
		while (num <= num2)
			int num3 = num + num2 >> 1;
			int num4 = comparer.Compare(array[num3].key, key);
			if (num4 == 0)
				return num3;
			if (num4 < 0)
				num = num3 + 1;
				num2 = num3 - 1;
		return ~num;