v10.10.2024.0701 使用IJsonHost改进Json序列化
大石头 编写于 2024-07-01 08:36:34 大石头 提交于 2024-07-01 08:48:33
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace System.Threading.Tasks;

[DebuggerDisplay("ShouldExitCurrentIteration = {ShouldExitCurrentIteration}")]
public class ParallelLoopState
	internal class ExternalInfos
		public bool IsStopped;

		public AtomicBooleanValue IsBroken = default(AtomicBooleanValue);

		public volatile bool IsExceptional;

		public long? LowestBreakIteration;

	private ExternalInfos extInfos;

	public bool IsStopped => extInfos.IsStopped;

	public bool IsExceptional => extInfos.IsExceptional;

	public long? LowestBreakIteration => extInfos.LowestBreakIteration;

	internal int CurrentIteration { get; set; }

	public bool ShouldExitCurrentIteration
			if (!IsExceptional)
				return IsStopped;
			return true;

	internal ParallelLoopState(ExternalInfos extInfos)
		this.extInfos = extInfos;

	public void Break()
		if (extInfos.IsStopped)
			throw new InvalidOperationException("The Stop method was previously called. Break and Stop may not be used in combination by iterations of the same loop.");
		if (!extInfos.IsBroken.Exchange(newVal: true))
			extInfos.LowestBreakIteration = CurrentIteration;

	public void Stop()
		if (extInfos.IsBroken.Value)
			throw new InvalidOperationException("The Break method was previously called. Break and Stop may not be used in combination by iterations of the same loop.");
		extInfos.IsStopped = true;