
大石头 authored at 2016-11-21 17:13:18
1 Parent(s) 89d3a22
Summary: 12 changed files with 455 additions and 398 deletions.
Modified +3 -3
Modified +291 -297
Modified +40 -42
Modified +1 -1
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Modified +17 -17
Modified +17 -0
Modified +17 -6
Modified +17 -5
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Modified +2 -2
Modified +3 -3
diff --git a/GitCandy/Controllers/AccountController.cs b/GitCandy/Controllers/AccountController.cs
index 66aab41..ade8cfa 100644
--- a/GitCandy/Controllers/AccountController.cs
+++ b/GitCandy/Controllers/AccountController.cs
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace GitCandy.Controllers
                         return RedirectToAction("Detail", "Account", new { name = user.Name });
                     var auth = MembershipService.CreateAuthorization(user.ID, Token.AuthorizationExpires, Request.UserHostAddress);
-                    Token = new Token(auth.AuthCode, user.ID, user.Name, user.Nickname, user.IsSystemAdministrator);
+                    Token = new Token(auth.AuthCode, user.ID, user.Name, user.Nickname, user.IsAdmin);
                     return RedirectToStartPage();
                 if (badName)
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ namespace GitCandy.Controllers
             if (user != null)
                 var auth = MembershipService.CreateAuthorization(user.ID, Token.AuthorizationExpires, Request.UserHostAddress);
-                Token = new Token(auth.AuthCode, user.ID, user.Name, user.Nickname, user.IsSystemAdministrator);
+                Token = new Token(auth.AuthCode, user.ID, user.Name, user.Nickname, user.IsAdmin);
                 return RedirectToStartPage(returnUrl);
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ namespace GitCandy.Controllers
                     if (!isAdmin)
                         var auth = MembershipService.CreateAuthorization(user.ID, Token.AuthorizationExpires, Request.UserHostAddress);
-                        Token = new Token(auth.AuthCode, user.ID, user.Name, user.Nickname, user.IsSystemAdministrator);
+                        Token = new Token(auth.AuthCode, user.ID, user.Name, user.Nickname, user.IsAdmin);
                     return RedirectToAction("Detail", "Account", new { name });
Modified +291 -297
diff --git a/GitCandy/Data/MembershipService.cs b/GitCandy/Data/MembershipService.cs
index a800100..bbd0e73 100644
--- a/GitCandy/Data/MembershipService.cs
+++ b/GitCandy/Data/MembershipService.cs
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
-using GitCandy.Base;
-using GitCandy.DAL;
+using System;
+using System.Composition;
+using System.Linq;
+using GitCandy.Base;
 using GitCandy.Models;
 using GitCandy.Security;
 using GitCandy.Ssh;
-using System;
-using System.Composition;
-using System.Linq;
+using NewLife.Data;
+using NewLife.GitCandy.Entity;
+using NewLife.Web;
 namespace GitCandy.Data
@@ -18,298 +20,280 @@ namespace GitCandy.Data
             badName = false;
             badEmail = false;
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
-            //using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope()) // I don't know why Sqlite not support for TransactionScope
+            var user = User.FindByName(name);
+            if (user != null)
-                try
-                {
-                    var list = ctx.Users.Where(s => s.Name == name || s.Email == email).ToList();
-                    badName = list.Any(s => string.Equals(s.Name, name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
-                    badEmail = list.Any(s => string.Equals(s.Email, email, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
-                    if (badName || badEmail)
-                        return null;
+                badName = true;
+                return null;
+            }
-                    var user = new User
-                    {
-                        Name = name,
-                        Nickname = nickname,
-                        Email = email,
-                        PasswordVersion = -1,
-                        Password = "",
-                        Description = description,
-                        CreationDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
-                    };
-                    ctx.Users.Add(user);
-                    ctx.SaveChanges();
+            user = User.FindByName(email);
+            if (user != null)
+            {
+                badEmail = true;
+                return null;
+            }
-                    using (var pp = PasswordProviderPool.Take())
-                    {
-                        user.PasswordVersion = pp.Version;
-                        user.Password = pp.Compute(user.ID, name, password);
-                    }
-                    ctx.SaveChanges();
-                    //transaction.Complete();
-                    return user;
-                }
-                catch
-                {
-                    return null;
-                }
+            user = new User
+            {
+                Name = name,
+                Nickname = nickname,
+                Email = email,
+                PasswordVersion = -1,
+                Password = "",
+                Description = description,
+                CreateTime = DateTime.Now,
+            };
+            using (var pp = PasswordProviderPool.Take())
+            {
+                user.PasswordVersion = pp.Version;
+                user.Password = pp.Compute(user.ID, name, password);
+            user.Save();
+            return user;
         public UserModel GetUserModel(string name, bool withMembers = false, string viewUser = null)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
-            {
-                var user = ctx.Users.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == name);
+            var user = User.FindByName(name);
+            if (user == null) return null;
-                if (user == null)
-                    return null;
-                var model = new UserModel
-                {
-                    Name = user.Name,
-                    Nickname = user.Nickname,
-                    Email = user.Email,
-                    Description = user.Description,
-                    IsSystemAdministrator = user.IsSystemAdministrator,
-                };
-                if (withMembers)
+            var model = new UserModel
+            {
+                Name = user.Name,
+                Nickname = user.Nickname,
+                Email = user.Email,
+                Description = user.Description,
+                IsSystemAdministrator = user.IsAdmin,
+            };
+            if (withMembers)
+            {
+                model.Teams = user.TeamNames;
+                var rs = user.Repositories.Where(e => e.IsOwner);
+                if (!viewUser.IsNullOrEmpty())
-                    model.Teams = ctx.UserTeamRoles
-                        .Where(s => s.User.ID == user.ID)
-                        .Select(s => s.Team.Name)
-                        .AsEnumerable()
-                        .OrderBy(s => s, new StringLogicalComparer())
-                        .ToArray();
-                    model.Respositories = ctx.UserRepositoryRoles
-                        // belong user
-                        .Where(s => s.User.ID == user.ID && s.IsOwner)
-                        // can view for viewUser
-                        .Where(s => !s.Repository.IsPrivate
-                            || viewUser != null &&
-                                (ctx.Users.Any(t => t.Name == viewUser && t.IsSystemAdministrator)
-                                || ctx.UserRepositoryRoles.Any(t => t.RepositoryID == s.RepositoryID
-                                    && t.User.Name == viewUser
-                                    && t.AllowRead)
-                                || ctx.TeamRepositoryRoles.Any(t => t.RepositoryID == s.RepositoryID
-                                    && t.Team.UserTeamRoles.Any(r => r.User.Name == viewUser)
-                                    && t.AllowRead)))
-                        .Select(s => s.Repository.Name)
-                        .AsEnumerable()
-                        .OrderBy(s => s, new StringLogicalComparer())
-                        .ToArray();
+                    var vu = User.FindByName(viewUser);
+                    rs = rs.Where(e => e.Repository != null && e.Repository.CanViewFor(vu));
-                return model;
+                model.Respositories = rs.Select(e => e.RepositoryName).OrderBy(e => e).ToArray();
+                //model.Respositories = ctx.UserRepositoryRoles
+                //    // belong user
+                //    .Where(s => s.User.ID == user.ID && s.IsOwner)
+                //    // can view for viewUser
+                //    .Where(s => !s.Repository.IsPrivate
+                //        || viewUser != null &&
+                //            (ctx.Users.Any(t => t.Name == viewUser && t.IsSystemAdministrator)
+                //            || ctx.UserRepositoryRoles.Any(t => t.RepositoryID == s.RepositoryID
+                //                && t.User.Name == viewUser
+                //                && t.AllowRead)
+                //            || ctx.TeamRepositoryRoles.Any(t => t.RepositoryID == s.RepositoryID
+                //                && t.Team.UserTeamRoles.Any(r => r.User.Name == viewUser)
+                //                && t.AllowRead)))
+                //    .Select(s => s.Repository.Name)
+                //    .AsEnumerable()
+                //    .OrderBy(s => s, new StringLogicalComparer())
+                //    .ToArray();
+            return model;
         public User Login(string id, string password)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            var user = User.FindByName(id) ?? User.FindByEmail(id);
+            if (user != null)
-                var user = ctx.Users.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == id || s.Email == id);
-                if (user != null)
-                {
-                    using (var pp1 = PasswordProviderPool.Take(user.PasswordVersion))
-                        if (user.Password == pp1.Compute(user.ID, user.Name, password))
-                        {
-                            if (user.PasswordVersion != PasswordProviderPool.LastVersion)
-                                using (var pp2 = PasswordProviderPool.Take())
-                                {
-                                    user.Password = pp2.Compute(user.ID, user.Name, password);
-                                    user.PasswordVersion = pp2.Version;
-                                    ctx.SaveChanges();
-                                }
-                            return user;
-                        }
-                }
-                return null;
+                using (var pp1 = PasswordProviderPool.Take(user.PasswordVersion))
+                    if (user.Password == pp1.Compute(user.ID, user.Name, password))
+                    {
+                        if (user.PasswordVersion != PasswordProviderPool.LastVersion)
+                            using (var pp2 = PasswordProviderPool.Take())
+                            {
+                                user.Password = pp2.Compute(user.ID, user.Name, password);
+                                user.PasswordVersion = pp2.Version;
+                                user.Logins++;
+                                user.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;
+                                user.LastLoginIP = WebHelper.UserHost;
+                                user.Save();
+                            }
+                        return user;
+                    }
+            return null;
         public void SetPassword(string name, string newPassword)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            var user = User.FindByName(name);
+            if (user != null)
-                var user = ctx.Users.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == name);
-                if (user != null)
+                using (var pp = PasswordProviderPool.Take())
-                    using (var pp = PasswordProviderPool.Take())
-                    {
-                        user.Password = pp.Compute(user.ID, user.Name, newPassword);
-                        user.PasswordVersion = pp.Version;
-                    }
+                    user.Password = pp.Compute(user.ID, user.Name, newPassword);
+                    user.PasswordVersion = pp.Version;
+                }
-                    var auths = ctx.AuthorizationLogs.Where(s => s.UserID == user.ID);
-                    foreach (var auth in auths)
-                    {
-                        auth.IsValid = false;
-                    }
-                    ctx.SaveChanges();
+                var auths = AuthorizationLog.FindAllByUserID(user.ID);
+                foreach (var auth in auths)
+                {
+                    auth.IsValid = false;
+                user.Save();
+                auths.Save();
         public bool UpdateUser(UserModel model)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            var user = User.FindByName(model.Name);
+            if (user != null)
-                var user = ctx.Users.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == model.Name);
-                if (user != null)
-                {
-                    user.Nickname = model.Nickname;
-                    user.Email = model.Email;
-                    user.Description = model.Description;
-                    user.IsSystemAdministrator = model.IsSystemAdministrator;
+                user.Nickname = model.Nickname;
+                user.Email = model.Email;
+                user.Description = model.Description;
+                user.IsAdmin = model.IsSystemAdministrator;
-                    ctx.SaveChanges();
-                    return true;
-                }
-                return false;
+                user.Save();
+                return true;
+            return false;
         public AuthorizationLog CreateAuthorization(long userID, DateTime expires, string ip)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            var auth = new AuthorizationLog
-                var auth = new AuthorizationLog
-                {
-                    AuthCode = Guid.NewGuid(),
-                    UserID = userID,
-                    IssueDate = DateTime.Now,
-                    Expires = expires,
-                    IssueIp = ip,
-                    LastIp = ip,
-                    IsValid = true,
-                };
-                ctx.AuthorizationLogs.Add(auth);
-                ctx.SaveChanges();
-                return auth;
-            }
+                AuthCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
+                UserID = (Int32)userID,
+                IssueDate = DateTime.Now,
+                Expires = expires,
+                IssueIp = ip,
+                LastIp = ip,
+                IsValid = true,
+            };
+            auth.Save();
+            return auth;
         public Token GetToken(Guid authCode)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            var auth = AuthorizationLog.FindByAuthCode(authCode + "");
+            if (auth == null) return null;
+            var user = auth.User;
+            return new Token(auth.AuthCode, auth.ID, user.Name, user.Nickname, user.IsAdmin, auth.Expires)
-                var meta = ctx.AuthorizationLogs
-                    .Where(s => s.AuthCode == authCode && s.IsValid)
-                    .Select(s => new
-                    {
-                        s.AuthCode,
-                        s.Expires,
-                        s.User.ID,
-                        s.User.Name,
-                        s.User.Nickname,
-                        s.User.IsSystemAdministrator,
-                        s.LastIp,
-                    })
-                    .FirstOrDefault();
-                return meta == null
-                    ? null
-                    : new Token(meta.AuthCode, meta.ID, meta.Name, meta.Nickname, meta.IsSystemAdministrator, meta.Expires)
-                    {
-                        LastIp = meta.LastIp
-                    };
-            }
+                LastIp = auth.LastIp
+            };
         public void UpdateAuthorization(Guid authCode, DateTime expires, string lastIp)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            var auth = AuthorizationLog.FindByAuthCode(authCode + "");
+            if (auth != null)
-                var auth = ctx.AuthorizationLogs.FirstOrDefault(s => s.AuthCode == authCode);
-                if (auth != null)
-                {
-                    auth.Expires = expires;
-                    auth.LastIp = lastIp;
-                    ctx.SaveChanges();
-                }
+                auth.Expires = expires;
+                auth.LastIp = lastIp;
+                auth.Save();
         public void SetAuthorizationAsInvalid(Guid authCode)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            var auth = AuthorizationLog.FindByAuthCode(authCode + "");
+            if (auth != null)
-                var auth = ctx.AuthorizationLogs.FirstOrDefault(s => s.AuthCode == authCode);
-                if (auth != null)
-                {
-                    auth.IsValid = false;
-                    ctx.SaveChanges();
-                }
+                auth.IsValid = false;
+                auth.Save();
         public void DeleteUser(string name)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            var user = User.FindByName(name);
+            if (user != null)
-                var user = ctx.Users.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == name);
-                if (user != null)
-                {
-                    user.UserTeamRoles.Clear();
-                    user.UserRepositoryRoles.Clear();
-                    user.AuthorizationLogs.Clear();
-                    user.SshKeys.Clear();
-                    ctx.Users.Remove(user);
-                    ctx.SaveChanges();
-                }
+                //user.UserTeamRoles.Clear();
+                //user.UserRepositoryRoles.Clear();
+                //user.AuthorizationLogs.Clear();
+                //user.SshKeys.Clear();
+                user.Delete();
         public UserListModel GetUserList(string keyword, int page, int pagesize = 20)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
-            {
-                var query = ctx.Users.AsQueryable();
-                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
-                    query = query.Where(s => s.Name.Contains(keyword)
-                        || s.Nickname.Contains(keyword)
-                        || s.Email.Contains(keyword)
-                        || s.Description.Contains(keyword));
-                query = query.OrderBy(s => s.Name);
+            var p = new PageParameter();
+            p.PageIndex = page;
+            p.PageSize = pagesize;
+            var list = User.Search(keyword, p);
-                var model = new UserListModel
+            return new UserListModel
+            {
+                Users = list.ToList().Select(e => new UserModel
-                    Users = query
-                        .Skip((page - 1) * pagesize)
-                        .Take(pagesize)
-                        .Select(user => new UserModel
-                        {
-                            Name = user.Name,
-                            Nickname = user.Nickname,
-                            Email = user.Email,
-                            Description = user.Description,
-                            IsSystemAdministrator = user.IsSystemAdministrator,
-                        })
-                        .ToArray(),
-                    CurrentPage = page,
-                    ItemCount = query.Count(),
-                };
-                return model;
-            }
+                    Name = e.Name,
+                    Nickname = e.Nickname,
+                    Email = e.Email,
+                    Description = e.Description,
+                    IsSystemAdministrator = e.IsAdmin,
+                }).ToArray(),
+                CurrentPage = page,
+                ItemCount = p.TotalCount
+            };
+            //using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            //{
+            //    var query = ctx.Users.AsQueryable();
+            //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
+            //        query = query.Where(s => s.Name.Contains(keyword)
+            //            || s.Nickname.Contains(keyword)
+            //            || s.Email.Contains(keyword)
+            //            || s.Description.Contains(keyword));
+            //    query = query.OrderBy(s => s.Name);
+            //    var model = new UserListModel
+            //    {
+            //        Users = query
+            //            .Skip((page - 1) * pagesize)
+            //            .Take(pagesize)
+            //            .Select(user => new UserModel
+            //            {
+            //                Name = user.Name,
+            //                Nickname = user.Nickname,
+            //                Email = user.Email,
+            //                Description = user.Description,
+            //                IsSystemAdministrator = user.IsSystemAdministrator,
+            //            })
+            //            .ToArray(),
+            //        CurrentPage = page,
+            //        ItemCount = query.Count(),
+            //    };
+            //    return model;
+            //}
         public string[] SearchUsers(string query)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
-            {
-                var length = query.Length + 0.5;
-                return ctx.Users
-                    .Where(s => s.Name.Contains(query))
-                    .OrderByDescending(s => length / s.Name.Length)
-                    .ThenBy(s => s.Name)
-                    .Take(10)
-                    .Select(s => s.Name)
-                    .ToArray();
-            }
+            var list = User.FindAll(User._.Name.Contains(query), null, null, 0, 10);
+            return list.ToList().Select(e => e.Name).ToArray();
+            //using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            //{
+            //    var length = query.Length + 0.5;
+            //    return ctx.Users
+            //        .Where(s => s.Name.Contains(query))
+            //        .OrderByDescending(s => length / s.Name.Length)
+            //        .ThenBy(s => s.Name)
+            //        .Take(10)
+            //        .Select(s => s.Name)
+            //        .ToArray();
+            //}
         public string AddSshKey(string name, string sshkey)
@@ -319,57 +303,68 @@ namespace GitCandy.Data
             sshkey = seg[1];
             var fingerprint = KeyUtils.GetFingerprint(sshkey);
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            var user = User.FindByName(name);
+            if (user == null) return null;
+            var key = new SshKey
-                var user = ctx.Users.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == name);
-                if (user == null)
-                    return null;
+                UserID = user.ID,
+                KeyType = type,
+                Fingerprint = fingerprint,
+                PublicKey = sshkey,
+                ImportData = DateTime.UtcNow,
+                LastUse = DateTime.UtcNow,
+            };
-                var key = new SshKey
-                {
-                    UserID = user.ID,
-                    KeyType = type,
-                    Fingerprint = fingerprint,
-                    PublicKey = sshkey,
-                    ImportData = DateTime.UtcNow,
-                    LastUse = DateTime.UtcNow,
-                };
+            key.Save();
-                ctx.SshKeys.Add(key);
-                ctx.SaveChanges();
-            }
             return fingerprint;
         public void DeleteSshKey(string name, string sshkey)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
-            {
-                var key = ctx.SshKeys.FirstOrDefault(s => s.User.Name == name && s.Fingerprint == sshkey);
-                ctx.SshKeys.Remove(key);
-                ctx.SaveChanges();
-            }
+            var user = User.FindByName(name);
+            if (user == null) return;
+            var key = SshKey.FindByUserID(user.ID);
+            if (key == null) return;
+            if (key.Fingerprint == sshkey) key.Delete();
+            //using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            //{
+            //    var key = ctx.SshKeys.FirstOrDefault(s => s.User.Name == name && s.Fingerprint == sshkey);
+            //    ctx.SshKeys.Remove(key);
+            //    ctx.SaveChanges();
+            //}
         public bool HasSshKey(string fingerprint)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
-            {
-                return ctx.SshKeys.Any(s => s.Fingerprint == fingerprint);
-            }
+            //using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            //{
+            //    return ctx.SshKeys.Any(s => s.Fingerprint == fingerprint);
+            //}
+            return SshKey.FindCount(SshKey._.Fingerprint, fingerprint) > 0;
         public SshModel GetSshList(string name)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
-            {
-                var keys = ctx.SshKeys
-                    .Where(s => s.User.Name == name)
-                    .Select(s => new SshModel.SshKey { Name = s.Fingerprint })
-                    .ToArray();
+            //using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            //{
+            //    var keys = ctx.SshKeys
+            //        .Where(s => s.User.Name == name)
+            //        .Select(s => new SshModel.SshKey { Name = s.Fingerprint })
+            //        .ToArray();
-                return new SshModel { Username = name, SshKeys = keys };
-            }
+            //    return new SshModel { Username = name, SshKeys = keys };
+            //}
+            var user = User.FindByName(name);
+            if (user == null) return null;
+            return new Models.SshModel { Username = user.Name, SshKeys = user.SshKeys.Select(s => new SshModel.SshKey { Name = s.Fingerprint }).ToArray() };
@@ -378,53 +373,52 @@ namespace GitCandy.Data
             badName = false;
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
-            //using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope())
+            var team = Team.FindByName(name);
+            if (team != null)
-                try
-                {
-                    badName = ctx.Teams.Count(s => s.Name == name) != 0;
-                    if (badName)
-                        return null;
-                    var team = new Team
-                    {
-                        Name = name,
-                        Description = description,
-                        CreationDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
-                    };
-                    ctx.Teams.Add(team);
+                badName = true;
+                return null;
+            }
-                    if (managerID > 0)
-                    {
-                        team.UserTeamRoles.Add(new UserTeamRole { Team = team, UserID = managerID, IsAdministrator = true });
-                    }
-                    ctx.SaveChanges();
+            team = new Team
+            {
+                Name = name,
+                Description = description,
+                //CreationDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
+            };
+            team.Save();
-                    //transaction.Complete();
-                    return team;
-                }
-                catch
-                {
-                    return null;
-                }
+            if (managerID > 0)
+            {
+                UserTeam.Add((Int32)managerID, team.ID, true);
+                //team.UserTeamRoles.Add(new UserTeamRole { Team = team, UserID = managerID, IsAdministrator = true });
+            //ctx.SaveChanges();
+            return team;
         public bool UpdateTeam(TeamModel model)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
-            {
-                var team = ctx.Teams.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == model.Name);
-                if (team != null)
-                {
-                    team.Description = model.Description;
-                    ctx.SaveChanges();
-                    return true;
-                }
-                return false;
-            }
+            //using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
+            //{
+            //    var team = ctx.Teams.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == model.Name);
+            //    if (team != null)
+            //    {
+            //        team.Description = model.Description;
+            //        ctx.SaveChanges();
+            //        return true;
+            //    }
+            //    return false;
+            //}
+            var team = Team.FindByName(model.Name);
+            if (team == null) return false;
+            team.Description = model.Description;
+            team.Save();
+            return true;
         public TeamModel GetTeamModel(string name, bool withMembers = false, string viewUser = null)
Modified +40 -42
diff --git a/GitCandy/Data/RepositoryService.cs b/GitCandy/Data/RepositoryService.cs
index 5760ea7..8b96201 100644
--- a/GitCandy/Data/RepositoryService.cs
+++ b/GitCandy/Data/RepositoryService.cs
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-using GitCandy.Base;
-using GitCandy.DAL;
-using GitCandy.Models;
-using System;
+using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Composition;
 using System.Linq;
+using GitCandy.Base;
+using GitCandy.Models;
+using NewLife.GitCandy.Entity;
 namespace GitCandy.Data
@@ -13,41 +13,39 @@ namespace GitCandy.Data
         public Repository Create(RepositoryModel model, long managerID, out bool badName)
-            using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
-            //using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope())
+            badName = false;
+            var rp = Repository.FindByName(model.Name);
+            if (rp != null)
-                badName = ctx.Repositories.Any(s => s.Name == model.Name);
-                if (badName)
-                    return null;
+                badName = true;
+                return null;
+            }
-                var repo = new Repository
+            rp = new Repository
+            {
+                Name = model.Name,
+                Description = model.Description,
+                CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
+                IsPrivate = model.IsPrivate,
+                AllowAnonymousRead = model.AllowAnonymousRead,
+                AllowAnonymousWrite = model.AllowAnonymousWrite,
+            };
+            rp.Save();
+            if (managerID > 0)
+            {
+                var ur = new UserRepository
-                    Name = model.Name,
-                    Description = model.Description,
-                    CreationDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
-                    IsPrivate = model.IsPrivate,
-                    AllowAnonymousRead = model.AllowAnonymousRead,
-                    AllowAnonymousWrite = model.AllowAnonymousWrite,
+                    RepositoryID = rp.ID,
+                    UserID = (Int32)managerID,
+                    IsOwner = true,
+                    AllowRead = true,
+                    AllowWrite = true
-                ctx.Repositories.Add(repo);
-                ctx.SaveChanges();
-                if (managerID > 0)
-                {
-                    repo.UserRepositoryRoles.Add(new UserRepositoryRole
-                    {
-                        Repository = repo,
-                        UserID = managerID,
-                        IsOwner = true,
-                        AllowRead = true,
-                        AllowWrite = true
-                    });
-                }
-                ctx.SaveChanges();
-                //transaction.Complete();
-                return repo;
+                ur.Save();
+            return rp;
         public RepositoryModel GetRepositoryModel(string reponame, bool withShipment = false, string username = null)
@@ -153,7 +151,7 @@ namespace GitCandy.Data
-        public UserRepositoryRole RepositoryAddUser(string reponame, string username)
+        public UserRepository RepositoryAddUser(string reponame, string username)
             using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
@@ -166,7 +164,7 @@ namespace GitCandy.Data
                 if (pair == null)
                     return null;
-                var role = new UserRepositoryRole
+                var role = new UserRepository
                     RepositoryID = pair.RepoID,
                     UserID = pair.UserID,
@@ -216,7 +214,7 @@ namespace GitCandy.Data
-        public TeamRepositoryRole RepositoryAddTeam(string reponame, string teamname)
+        public TeamRepository RepositoryAddTeam(string reponame, string teamname)
             using (var ctx = new GitCandyContext())
@@ -229,7 +227,7 @@ namespace GitCandy.Data
                 if (pair == null)
                     return null;
-                var role = new TeamRepositoryRole
+                var role = new TeamRepository
                     RepositoryID = pair.RepoID,
                     TeamID = pair.TeamID,
@@ -396,10 +394,10 @@ namespace GitCandy.Data
         private RepositoryModel[] ToRepositoryArray(IEnumerable<Repository> source)
             return source.Select(s => new RepositoryModel
-                    {
-                        Name = s.Name,
-                        Description = s.Description,
-                    })
+            {
+                Name = s.Name,
+                Description = s.Description,
+            })
Modified +1 -1
diff --git "a/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/SSH\345\257\206\351\222\245.Biz.cs" "b/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/SSH\345\257\206\351\222\245.Biz.cs"
index fc8d148..8c2e072 100644
--- "a/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/SSH\345\257\206\351\222\245.Biz.cs"
+++ "b/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/SSH\345\257\206\351\222\245.Biz.cs"
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
         /// <param name="userid">用户</param>
         /// <returns></returns>
         [DataObjectMethod(DataObjectMethodType.Select, false)]
-        public static SshKey FindByUserID(Boolean userid)
+        public static SshKey FindByUserID(Int32 userid)
             if (Meta.Count >= 1000)
                 return Find(__.UserID, userid);
Modified +29 -6
diff --git "a/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\344\273\223\345\272\223.cs" "b/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\344\273\223\345\272\223.cs"
index 80a4134..c690316 100644
--- "a/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\344\273\223\345\272\223.cs"
+++ "b/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\344\273\223\345\272\223.cs"
@@ -89,12 +89,24 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
             set { if (OnPropertyChanging(__.AllowAnonymousWrite, value)) { _AllowAnonymousWrite = value; OnPropertyChanged(__.AllowAnonymousWrite); } }
+        private String _Description;
+        /// <summary>描述</summary>
+        [DisplayName("描述")]
+        [Description("描述")]
+        [DataObjectField(false, false, true, 500)]
+        [BindColumn(7, "Description", "描述", null, "nvarchar(500)", 0, 0, true)]
+        public virtual String Description
+        {
+            get { return _Description; }
+            set { if (OnPropertyChanging(__.Description, value)) { _Description = value; OnPropertyChanged(__.Description); } }
+        }
         private Int32 _CreateUserID;
         /// <summary>创建者</summary>
         [DataObjectField(false, false, true, 10)]
-        [BindColumn(7, "CreateUserID", "创建者", null, "int", 10, 0, false)]
+        [BindColumn(8, "CreateUserID", "创建者", null, "int", 10, 0, false)]
         public virtual Int32 CreateUserID
             get { return _CreateUserID; }
@@ -106,7 +118,7 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
         [DataObjectField(false, false, true, 3)]
-        [BindColumn(8, "CreateTime", "创建时间", null, "datetime", 3, 0, false)]
+        [BindColumn(9, "CreateTime", "创建时间", null, "datetime", 3, 0, false)]
         public virtual DateTime CreateTime
             get { return _CreateTime; }
@@ -118,7 +130,7 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
         [DataObjectField(false, false, true, 50)]
-        [BindColumn(9, "CreateIP", "创建地址", null, "nvarchar(50)", 0, 0, true)]
+        [BindColumn(10, "CreateIP", "创建地址", null, "nvarchar(50)", 0, 0, true)]
         public virtual String CreateIP
             get { return _CreateIP; }
@@ -130,7 +142,7 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
         [DataObjectField(false, false, true, 10)]
-        [BindColumn(10, "UpdateUserID", "更新者", null, "int", 10, 0, false)]
+        [BindColumn(11, "UpdateUserID", "更新者", null, "int", 10, 0, false)]
         public virtual Int32 UpdateUserID
             get { return _UpdateUserID; }
@@ -142,7 +154,7 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
         [DataObjectField(false, false, true, 3)]
-        [BindColumn(11, "UpdateTime", "更新时间", null, "datetime", 3, 0, false)]
+        [BindColumn(12, "UpdateTime", "更新时间", null, "datetime", 3, 0, false)]
         public virtual DateTime UpdateTime
             get { return _UpdateTime; }
@@ -154,7 +166,7 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
         [DataObjectField(false, false, true, 50)]
-        [BindColumn(12, "UpdateIP", "更新地址", null, "nvarchar(50)", 0, 0, true)]
+        [BindColumn(13, "UpdateIP", "更新地址", null, "nvarchar(50)", 0, 0, true)]
         public virtual String UpdateIP
             get { return _UpdateIP; }
@@ -182,6 +194,7 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
                     case __.IsPrivate : return _IsPrivate;
                     case __.AllowAnonymousRead : return _AllowAnonymousRead;
                     case __.AllowAnonymousWrite : return _AllowAnonymousWrite;
+                    case __.Description : return _Description;
                     case __.CreateUserID : return _CreateUserID;
                     case __.CreateTime : return _CreateTime;
                     case __.CreateIP : return _CreateIP;
@@ -201,6 +214,7 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
                     case __.IsPrivate : _IsPrivate = Convert.ToBoolean(value); break;
                     case __.AllowAnonymousRead : _AllowAnonymousRead = Convert.ToBoolean(value); break;
                     case __.AllowAnonymousWrite : _AllowAnonymousWrite = Convert.ToBoolean(value); break;
+                    case __.Description : _Description = Convert.ToString(value); break;
                     case __.CreateUserID : _CreateUserID = Convert.ToInt32(value); break;
                     case __.CreateTime : _CreateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(value); break;
                     case __.CreateIP : _CreateIP = Convert.ToString(value); break;
@@ -235,6 +249,9 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
             public static readonly Field AllowAnonymousWrite = FindByName(__.AllowAnonymousWrite);
+            ///<summary>描述</summary>
+            public static readonly Field Description = FindByName(__.Description);
             public static readonly Field CreateUserID = FindByName(__.CreateUserID);
@@ -277,6 +294,9 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
             public const String AllowAnonymousWrite = "AllowAnonymousWrite";
+            ///<summary>描述</summary>
+            public const String Description = "Description";
             public const String CreateUserID = "CreateUserID";
@@ -321,6 +341,9 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
         /// <summary>匿名写</summary>
         Boolean AllowAnonymousWrite { get; set; }
+        /// <summary>描述</summary>
+        String Description { get; set; }
         /// <summary>创建者</summary>
         Int32 CreateUserID { get; set; }
Modified +17 -17
diff --git "a/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\345\233\242\351\230\237.cs" "b/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\345\233\242\351\230\237.cs"
index 01d8c64..c1271d2 100644
--- "a/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\345\233\242\351\230\237.cs"
+++ "b/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\345\233\242\351\230\237.cs"
@@ -41,16 +41,16 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
             set { if (OnPropertyChanging(__.Name, value)) { _Name = value; OnPropertyChanged(__.Name); } }
-        private String _Remark;
-        /// <summary>备注</summary>
-        [DisplayName("备注")]
-        [Description("备注")]
-        [DataObjectField(false, false, true, 50)]
-        [BindColumn(3, "Remark", "备注", null, "nvarchar(50)", 0, 0, true)]
-        public virtual String Remark
+        private String _Description;
+        /// <summary>描述</summary>
+        [DisplayName("描述")]
+        [Description("描述")]
+        [DataObjectField(false, false, true, 500)]
+        [BindColumn(3, "Description", "描述", null, "nvarchar(500)", 0, 0, true)]
+        public virtual String Description
-            get { return _Remark; }
-            set { if (OnPropertyChanging(__.Remark, value)) { _Remark = value; OnPropertyChanged(__.Remark); } }
+            get { return _Description; }
+            set { if (OnPropertyChanging(__.Description, value)) { _Description = value; OnPropertyChanged(__.Description); } }
         private Int32 _CreateUserID;
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
                     case __.ID : return _ID;
                     case __.Name : return _Name;
-                    case __.Remark : return _Remark;
+                    case __.Description : return _Description;
                     case __.CreateUserID : return _CreateUserID;
                     case __.CreateTime : return _CreateTime;
                     case __.CreateIP : return _CreateIP;
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
                     case __.ID : _ID = Convert.ToInt32(value); break;
                     case __.Name : _Name = Convert.ToString(value); break;
-                    case __.Remark : _Remark = Convert.ToString(value); break;
+                    case __.Description : _Description = Convert.ToString(value); break;
                     case __.CreateUserID : _CreateUserID = Convert.ToInt32(value); break;
                     case __.CreateTime : _CreateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(value); break;
                     case __.CreateIP : _CreateIP = Convert.ToString(value); break;
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
             public static readonly Field Name = FindByName(__.Name);
-            ///<summary>备注</summary>
-            public static readonly Field Remark = FindByName(__.Remark);
+            ///<summary>描述</summary>
+            public static readonly Field Description = FindByName(__.Description);
             public static readonly Field CreateUserID = FindByName(__.CreateUserID);
@@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
             public const String Name = "Name";
-            ///<summary>备注</summary>
-            public const String Remark = "Remark";
+            ///<summary>描述</summary>
+            public const String Description = "Description";
             public const String CreateUserID = "CreateUserID";
@@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
         /// <summary>名称</summary>
         String Name { get; set; }
-        /// <summary>备注</summary>
-        String Remark { get; set; }
+        /// <summary>描述</summary>
+        String Description { get; set; }
         /// <summary>创建者</summary>
         Int32 CreateUserID { get; set; }
Modified +17 -0
diff --git "a/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\347\224\250\346\210\267.Biz.cs" "b/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\347\224\250\346\210\267.Biz.cs"
index fc32712..fbf19ca 100644
--- "a/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\347\224\250\346\210\267.Biz.cs"
+++ "b/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\347\224\250\346\210\267.Biz.cs"
@@ -134,6 +134,23 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
         public String[] RepositoryNames { get { return Repositories?.Select(e => e.RepositoryName).ToArray(); } }
+        private List<SshKey> _SshKeys;
+        /// <summary>绑定信息</summary>
+        public List<SshKey> SshKeys
+        {
+            get
+            {
+                if (_SshKeys == null && !Dirtys.ContainsKey("SshKeys"))
+                {
+                    _SshKeys = SshKey.FindAllByUserID(ID);
+                    Dirtys["SshKeys"] = true;
+                }
+                return _SshKeys;
+            }
+            set { _SshKeys = value; }
+        }
         #region 扩展查询
Modified +17 -6
diff --git "a/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\347\224\250\346\210\267\345\233\242\351\230\237.Biz.cs" "b/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\347\224\250\346\210\267\345\233\242\351\230\237.Biz.cs"
index 5242360..3b7ad7c 100644
--- "a/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\347\224\250\346\210\267\345\233\242\351\230\237.Biz.cs"
+++ "b/GitCandy/Entity/Entity/\347\224\250\346\210\267\345\233\242\351\230\237.Biz.cs"
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
  * 时间:2016-11-21 15:48:51
  * 版权:版权所有 (C) 新生命开发团队 2002~2016
-using System;
+using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.ComponentModel;
 using System.Text;
 using System.Xml.Serialization;
 using NewLife.Log;
 using NewLife.Web;
-using NewLife.Data;
+using NewLife.Data;
 using XCode;
 using XCode.Configuration;
 using XCode.Membership;
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
     public partial class UserTeam : Entity<UserTeam>
         #region 对象操作
         /// <summary>验证数据,通过抛出异常的方式提示验证失败。</summary>
         /// <param name="isNew"></param>
         public override void Valid(Boolean isNew)
-			// 如果没有脏数据,则不需要进行任何处理
-			if (!HasDirty) return;
+            // 如果没有脏数据,则不需要进行任何处理
+            if (!HasDirty) return;
             // 这里验证参数范围,建议抛出参数异常,指定参数名,前端用户界面可以捕获参数异常并聚焦到对应的参数输入框
             //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) throw new ArgumentNullException(_.Name, _.Name.DisplayName + "无效!");
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
             // 在新插入数据或者修改了指定字段时进行唯一性验证,CheckExist内部抛出参数异常
             //if (isNew || Dirtys[__.Name]) CheckExist(__.Name);
             // 处理当前已登录用户信息
             if (!Dirtys[__.UserID] && ManageProvider.Provider.Current != null) UserID = (Int32)ManageProvider.Provider.Current.ID;
             if (isNew && !Dirtys[__.CreateTime]) CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
@@ -170,6 +170,17 @@ namespace NewLife.GitCandy.Entity
         #region 业务
+        public static UserTeam Add(Int32 userid, Int32 teamid, Boolean isadmin)
+        {
+            var ut = FindByUserIDAndTeamID(userid, teamid);
+            if (ut == null) ut = new UserTeam();
+            ut.UserID = userid;
+            ut.TeamID = teamid;
+            ut.IsAdministrator = isadmin;
+            ut.Save();
+            return ut;
+        }
\ No newline at end of file
Modified +17 -5
diff --git "a/GitCandy/Entity/GitCandy\346\225\260\346\215\256\345\255\227\345\205\270.htm" "b/GitCandy/Entity/GitCandy\346\225\260\346\215\256\345\255\227\345\205\270.htm"
index d11cb6f..c540fe4 100644
--- "a/GitCandy/Entity/GitCandy\346\225\260\346\215\256\345\255\227\345\205\270.htm"
+++ "b/GitCandy/Entity/GitCandy\346\225\260\346\215\256\345\255\227\345\205\270.htm"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
-由Stone/X2生成于:2016-11-21 16:35:51 <BR />
+由Stone/X2生成于:2016-11-21 16:45:36 <BR />
 <strong>用户 (User)</strong> <BR>
@@ -300,11 +300,11 @@ Team:
     <td> </td>
   <tr class="dbbody">
-    <td>备注 </td>
-    <td>Remark</td>
-    <td>Remark</td>
+    <td>描述 </td>
+    <td>Description</td>
+    <td>Description</td>
-    <td>50</td>
+    <td>500</td>
     <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
     <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
     <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
@@ -473,6 +473,18 @@ Repository:
     <td> </td>
   <tr class="dbbody">
+    <td>描述 </td>
+    <td>Description</td>
+    <td>Description</td>
+    <td>String</td>
+    <td>500</td>
+    <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
+    <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
+    <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
+    <td> </td>
+    <td> </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr class="dbbody">
     <td>创建者 </td>
Modified +3 -1
diff --git a/GitCandy/Entity/NewLife.GitCandy.xml b/GitCandy/Entity/NewLife.GitCandy.xml
index 846f6d0..44ba245 100644
--- a/GitCandy/Entity/NewLife.GitCandy.xml
+++ b/GitCandy/Entity/NewLife.GitCandy.xml
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
       <Column Name="ID" DataType="Int32" Identity="True" PrimaryKey="True" Description="编号" />
       <Column Name="Name" DataType="String" Master="True" Description="名称" />
-      <Column Name="Remark" DataType="String" Description="备注" />
+      <Column Name="Description" DataType="String" Length="500" Description="描述" />
       <Column Name="CreateUserID" DataType="Int32" Description="创建者" />
       <Column Name="CreateTime" DataType="DateTime" Description="创建时间" />
       <Column Name="CreateIP" DataType="String" Description="创建地址" />
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
       <Column Name="IsPrivate" DataType="Boolean" Description="私有" />
       <Column Name="AllowAnonymousRead" DataType="Boolean" Description="匿名读" />
       <Column Name="AllowAnonymousWrite" DataType="Boolean" Description="匿名写" />
+      <Column Name="Description" DataType="String" Length="500" Description="描述" />
       <Column Name="CreateUserID" DataType="Int32" Description="创建者" />
       <Column Name="CreateTime" DataType="DateTime" Description="创建时间" />
       <Column Name="CreateIP" DataType="String" Description="创建地址" />
@@ -155,6 +156,7 @@
       <Index Columns="UserID" Unique="True" />
+      <Index Columns="Fingerprint" />
\ No newline at end of file
Modified +18 -18
diff --git a/GitCandy/GitCandy.csproj b/GitCandy/GitCandy.csproj
index 75c5445..7e6cd96 100644
--- a/GitCandy/GitCandy.csproj
+++ b/GitCandy/GitCandy.csproj
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@
+    <Content Include="Entity\GitCandy数据字典.htm" />
     <Content Include="Entity\XCoder.log">
@@ -187,7 +188,7 @@
     <Content Include="CustomErrors\401.html" />
     <Content Include="CustomErrors\404.html" />
     <Content Include="CustomErrors\500.html" />
-    <Content Include="Entity\GitCandy.xml" />
+    <Content Include="Entity\NewLife.GitCandy.xml" />
     <Content Include="Entity\">
@@ -301,25 +302,24 @@
     <Compile Include="Controllers\RepositoryController.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Controllers\SettingController.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Controllers\TeamController.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\AuthorizationLog.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\GitCandyContext.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\Mapping\AuthorizationLogMap.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\Mapping\RepositoryMap.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\Mapping\SshKeyMap.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\Mapping\TeamMap.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\Mapping\TeamRepositoryRoleMap.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\Mapping\UserMap.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\Mapping\UserRepositoryRoleMap.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\Mapping\UserTeamRoleMap.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\Repository.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\SshKey.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\Team.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\TeamRepositoryRole.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\User.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\UserRepositoryRole.cs" />
-    <Compile Include="DAL\UserTeamRole.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Data\MembershipService.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Data\RepositoryService.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\SSH密钥.Biz.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\SSH密钥.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\仓库.Biz.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\仓库.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\团队.Biz.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\团队.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\团队仓库.Biz.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\团队仓库.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\用户.Biz.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\用户.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\用户仓库.Biz.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\用户仓库.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\用户团队.Biz.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\用户团队.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\认证日志.Biz.cs" />
+    <Compile Include="Entity\Entity\认证日志.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Extensions\CommitLogExtension.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Extensions\HtmlHelperExtension.cs" />
     <Compile Include="Extensions\MetadataExtension.cs" />
Modified +2 -2
diff --git a/GitCandy/Security/Token.cs b/GitCandy/Security/Token.cs
index 2da7cf8..254973b 100644
--- a/GitCandy/Security/Token.cs
+++ b/GitCandy/Security/Token.cs
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ namespace GitCandy.Security
         private Token() { }
-        public Token(Guid authCode, long userID, string username, string nickname, bool isSystemAdministrator, DateTime? expires = null)
+        public Token(String authCode, long userID, string username, string nickname, bool isSystemAdministrator, DateTime? expires = null)
-            AuthCode = authCode;
+            AuthCode = new Guid(authCode);
             UserID = userID;
             Username = username;
             Nickname = nickname;