
GitCandy© 是一个基于 ASP.NET MVC 的 Git 版本控制服务端,支持公有和私有代码库,可不受限制的创建代码代码库,随时随地的与团队进行协作。
## GitCandy GitCandy© is a [Git]( distributed version control platform based on ASP.NET MVC application, which supports public and private repositories. You can create and collaborate your repository with your team anytime anywhere without any limit. Visit a demo on []( Get source and fork me on []( --- ### Prerequisites * [IIS 7.0]( * [.NET Framework 4.5]( * [ASP.NET MVC 5]( * [Git]( * [Sqlite]( or [Sql Server]( --- ### Installation * Download last [release]( or build [dev]( branch by yourself * Create a web site on IIS, copy binary and resource files to site path * Copy `GitCandy\bin\[NativeBinaries & x86 & x64]` folders to destination if you are publishing the website * Create a database by `/Sql/Create.[Sqlite | MsSql].sql`, copy database file to `App_Data` folder if any * Update connection string in `Web.config` file * Prepare two folders for storage `Repositories` and `Cache` * Navigate to your site and login with default username `admin`, password `gitcandy` * Go to `Settings` page for set folders path of `Repositories`, `Cache` and `git-core` * You are recommended to set `<compilation debug="false" />` in `Web.config` ##### *note* * The `Repositories` or `Cache` path looks like `x:\Repos` or `x:\Cache` * The `git-core` path looks like `x:\PortableGit\libexec\git-core` or `x:\PortableGit\mingw64\libexec\git-core` --- ### Changes Go to [changes page]( --- ### Thanks for (alphabet) * [ASP.NET MVC]( @ [Apache License 2.0]( * [Bootstrap]( @ [MIT License]( * [Bootstrap-switch]( @ [Apache License 2.0]( * [EntityFramework]( @ [Apache License 2.0]( * [FxSsh]( @ [MIT license]( * [Highlight.js]( @ [New BSD License]( * [jQuery]( @ [MIT License]( * [LibGit2Sharp]( @ [MIT License]( * [marked]( @ [MIT License]( * [Microsoft.Composition (MEF2)]( @ [Microsoft Public License]( * [Newtonsoft.Json]( @ [MIT License]( * [SharpZipLib]( @ [GPL License v2]( --- ### License The MIT license