using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace NewLife.IO
/// <summary>编码助手</summary>
public static class EncodingHelper
#region 编码检测
/// <summary>检测文件编码</summary>
/// <param name="filename">文件名</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Encoding Detect(String filename)
using var fs = File.OpenRead(filename);
return Detect(fs);
/// <summary>检测文件编码</summary>
/// <param name="file"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Encoding DetectEncoding(this FileInfo file)
using var fs = file.OpenRead();
return fs.Detect();
/// <summary>检测数据流编码</summary>
/// <param name="stream">数据流</param>
/// <param name="sampleSize">BOM检测失败时用于启发式探索的数据大小</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Encoding Detect(this Stream stream, Int64 sampleSize = 0x400)
// 记录数据流原始位置,后面需要复原
var pos = stream.Position;
stream.Position = 0;
// 首先检查BOM
var boms = new Byte[stream.Length > 4 ? 4 : stream.Length];
stream.Read(boms, 0, boms.Length);
var encoding = DetectBOM(boms);
if (encoding != null)
stream.Position = pos;
return encoding;
// BOM检测失败,开始启发式探测
// 抽查一段字节数组
var data = new Byte[sampleSize > stream.Length ? stream.Length : sampleSize];
Array.Copy(boms, data, boms.Length);
if (stream.Length > boms.Length) stream.Read(data, boms.Length, data.Length - boms.Length);
stream.Position = pos;
return DetectInternal(data);
/// <summary>检测字节数组编码</summary>
/// <param name="data">字节数组</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Encoding Detect(this Byte[] data)
// 探测BOM头
var encoding = DetectBOM(data);
if (encoding != null) return encoding;
return DetectInternal(data);
static Encoding DetectInternal(Byte[] data)
Encoding encoding = null;
// 最笨的办法尝试
var encs = new Encoding[] {
// 常用
// 用户界面选择语言编码
// 本地默认编码
encs = encs.Where(s => s != null).GroupBy(s => s.CodePage).Select(s => s.First()).ToArray();
// 如果有单字节编码,优先第一个非单字节的编码
foreach (var enc in encs)
if (IsMatch(data, enc))
if (!enc.IsSingleByte) return enc;
if (encoding == null) encoding = enc;
if (encoding != null) return encoding;
// 探测Unicode编码
encoding = DetectUnicode(data);
if (encoding != null) return encoding;
// 简单方法探测ASCII
encoding = DetectASCII(data);
if (encoding != null) return encoding;
return null;
/// <summary>检测BOM字节序</summary>
/// <param name="boms"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Encoding DetectBOM(this Byte[] boms)
if (boms.Length < 2) return null;
if (boms[0] == 0xff && boms[1] == 0xfe && (boms.Length < 4 || boms[2] != 0 || boms[3] != 0)) return Encoding.Unicode;
if (boms[0] == 0xfe && boms[1] == 0xff) return Encoding.BigEndianUnicode;
if (boms.Length < 3) return null;
if (boms[0] == 0xef && boms[1] == 0xbb && boms[2] == 0xbf) return Encoding.UTF8;
if (boms[0] == 0x2b && boms[1] == 0x2f && boms[2] == 0x76) return Encoding.UTF7;
if (boms.Length < 4) return null;
if (boms[0] == 0xff && boms[1] == 0xfe && boms[2] == 0 && boms[3] == 0) return Encoding.UTF32;
if (boms[0] == 0 && boms[1] == 0 && boms[2] == 0xfe && boms[3] == 0xff) return Encoding.GetEncoding(12001);
return null;
/// <summary>检测是否ASCII</summary>
/// <param name="data"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static Encoding DetectASCII(Byte[] data)
// 如果所有字节都小于128,则可以使用ASCII编码
for (var i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
if (data[i] >= 128) return null;
return Encoding.ASCII;
static Boolean IsMatch(Byte[] data, Encoding encoding)
if (encoding == null) encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
var str = encoding.GetString(data);
var buf = encoding.GetBytes(str);
// 考虑到噪声干扰,只要0.9
var score = buf.Length * 9 / 10;
var match = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++)
if (data[i] == buf[i])
if (match >= score) return true;
//if (match >= buf.Length * 0.9)
// return true;
//return data.CompareTo(buf) == 0;
catch { }
return false;
/// <summary>启发式探测Unicode编码</summary>
/// <param name="data"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static Encoding DetectUnicode(Byte[] data)
Int64 oddBinaryNullsInSample = 0;
Int64 evenBinaryNullsInSample = 0;
Int64 suspiciousUTF8SequenceCount = 0;
Int64 suspiciousUTF8BytesTotal = 0;
Int64 likelyUSASCIIBytesInSample = 0;
// Cycle through, keeping count of binary null positions, possible UTF-8
// sequences from upper ranges of Windows-1252, and probable US-ASCII
// character counts.
Int64 pos = 0;
var skipUTF8Bytes = 0;
while (pos < data.Length)
// 二进制空分布
if (data[pos] == 0)
if (pos % 2 == 0)
// 可见 ASCII 字符
if (IsCommonASCII(data[pos]))
// 类似UTF-8的可疑序列
if (skipUTF8Bytes == 0)
var len = DetectSuspiciousUTF8SequenceLength(data, pos);
if (len > 0)
suspiciousUTF8BytesTotal += len;
skipUTF8Bytes = len - 1;
// UTF-16
// LE 小端 在英语或欧洲环境,经常使用奇数个0(以0开始),而很少用偶数个0
// BE 大端 在英语或欧洲环境,经常使用偶数个0(以0开始),而很少用奇数个0
if (((evenBinaryNullsInSample * 2.0) / data.Length) < 0.2
&& ((oddBinaryNullsInSample * 2.0) / data.Length) > 0.6
return Encoding.Unicode;
if (((oddBinaryNullsInSample * 2.0) / data.Length) < 0.2
&& ((evenBinaryNullsInSample * 2.0) / data.Length) > 0.6
return Encoding.BigEndianUnicode;
// UTF-8
// 使用正则检测,参考
var potentiallyMangledString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data);
var reg = new Regex(@"\A("
+ @"[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E]" // ASCII
+ @"|[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]" // 不太长的2字节
+ @"|\xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]" // 排除太长
+ @"|[\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}" // 连续的3字节
+ @"|\xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]" // 排除代理
+ @"|\xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2}" // 1~3
+ @"|[\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}" // 4~15
+ @"|\xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2}" // 16
+ @")*\z");
if (reg.IsMatch(potentiallyMangledString))
//Unfortunately, just the fact that it CAN be UTF-8 doesn't tell you much about probabilities.
//If all the characters are in the 0-127 range, no harm done, most western charsets are same as UTF-8 in these ranges.
//If some of the characters were in the upper range (western accented characters), however, they would likely be mangled to 2-Byte by the UTF-8 encoding process.
// So, we need to play stats.
// The "Random" likelihood of any pair of randomly generated characters being one
// of these "suspicious" character sequences is:
// 128 / (256 * 256) = 0.2%.
// In western text data, that is SIGNIFICANTLY reduced - most text data stays in the <127
// character range, so we assume that more than 1 in 500,000 of these character
// sequences indicates UTF-8. The number 500,000 is completely arbitrary - so sue me.
// We can only assume these character sequences will be rare if we ALSO assume that this
// IS in fact western text - in which case the bulk of the UTF-8 encoded data (that is
// not already suspicious sequences) should be plain US-ASCII bytes. This, I
// arbitrarily decided, should be 80% (a random distribution, eg binary data, would yield
// approx 40%, so the chances of hitting this threshold by accident in random data are
// VERY low).
// 很不幸运,事实上,它仅仅可能是UTF-8。如果所有字符都在0~127范围,那是没有问题的,绝大部分西方字符在UTF-8都在这个范围。
// 然而如果部分字符在大写区域(西方口语字符),用UTF-8编码处理可能造成误伤。所以我们需要继续分析。
// 随机生成字符成为可疑序列的可能性是:128 / (256 * 256) = 0.2%
// 在西方文本数据,这要小得多,绝大部分文本数据停留在小于127的范围。所以我们假定在500000个字符中多余一个UTF-8字符
if ((suspiciousUTF8SequenceCount * 500000.0 / data.Length >= 1) // 可疑序列
&& (
// 所有可疑情况,无法平率ASCII可能性
data.Length - suspiciousUTF8BytesTotal == 0
likelyUSASCIIBytesInSample * 1.0 / (data.Length - suspiciousUTF8BytesTotal) >= 0.8
return Encoding.UTF8;
return null;
/// <summary>是否可见ASCII</summary>
/// <param name="bt"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static Boolean IsCommonASCII(Byte bt)
if (bt is 0x0A // 回车
or 0x0D // 换行
or 0x09 // 制表符
or >= 0x20 and <= 0x2F or >= 0x30 and <= 0x39 or >= 0x3A and <= 0x40 or >= 0x41 and <= 0x5A or >= 0x5B and <= 0x60 or >= 0x61 and <= 0x7A or >= 0x7B and <= 0x7E)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>检测可能的UTF8序列长度</summary>
/// <param name="buf"></param>
/// <param name="pos"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static Int32 DetectSuspiciousUTF8SequenceLength(Byte[] buf, Int64 pos)
if (buf.Length > pos + 1)
var first = buf[pos];
var second = buf[pos + 1];
if (first == 0xC2)
if (second is 0x81 or 0x8D or 0x8F or 0x90 or 0x9D or >= 0xA0 and <= 0xBF)
return 2;
else if (first == 0xC3)
if (second is >= 0x80 and <= 0xBF) return 2;
else if (first == 0xC5)
if (second is 0x92 or 0x93 or 0xA0 or 0xA1 or 0xB8 or 0xBD or 0xBE)
return 2;
else if (first == 0xC6)
if (second == 0x92) return 2;
else if (first == 0xCB)
if (second is 0x86 or 0x9C) return 2;
else if (buf.Length >= pos + 2 && first == 0xE2)
var three = buf[pos + 2];
if (second == 0x80)
if (three is 0x93 or 0x94 or 0x98 or 0x99 or 0x9A)
return 3;
if (three is 0x9C or 0x9D or 0x9E)
return 3;
if (three is 0xA0 or 0xA1 or 0xA2)
return 3;
if (three is 0xA6 or 0xB0 or 0xB9 or 0xBA)
return 3;
else if (second == 0x82 && three == 0xAC || second == 0x84 && three == 0xA2)
return 3;
return 0;